Who we are

Johanna Haas

Hello, I’m Johanna (Dr. Johanna Haas), publisher here at Cicada Song Press. In addition to writing speculative prose and poetry, I play a mean game of Go.

How did this happen? My friend, Mona, brought an opportunity to me when a poetry collaboration we were both in collapsed. She wanted it to see the light of day enough to say she’d pick it up and edit it. I said, “I’ve always wanted to be a publisher.” And that’s how Cicada Song Press got started.

After that, it’s been a whirl of business documents, creative writing, and learning how to build a website. But we’re moving ahead with a vision of smallness, family, and helping those who need it. “I do small things. I try to do good things every day.” - Jackie Chan

More about me:

When I have time I read a lot. I crochet. I garden. I like to just hang out and talk or do nothing. I also like playing with my cats, or other people’s animals. My inner TV star is Beavis. My favorite movie is “Tremors”. My favorite book is “Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold. My favorite song is Harry Belafonte’s “Turn the World Around.” My favorite band is Rush.

Jenny Graman

When you grow up with an English teacher for a mom, there are some things that are just a given. First, you will have an unwavering love of books. And second, you will have an excellent ear for language. Even with dementia, my mom would not hold discussions with us if our grammar wasn’t perfect. 

After my very practical career in data analytics, using my words to explain complex data to health care executives, employing storytelling, and writing engaging executive summaries, I am happy now to be a full-time writer and editor. I’ve been writing and working with authors for over twenty years and have completed the Writer’s Digest Copyediting certification course—which gave me names for some of the rules that I’ve just always known “by ear”. 

Now I’m excited to be part of Cicada Song Press as the Prose Editor and Assistant Publisher. I have a passion for stories, and for helping authors bring out the best in their writing. I’m looking forward to reading new stories by emerging authors and seeing dreams come to life.

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